AnySquared Artist Showcase Opening Reception was Friday April 21st and will be on display through June 9th. Thanks Noa Aleman for collaborating with us on this exhibition! It was a fun night of art, music, and celebration!
Curated by Noa Aleman, this showcase features art by Cesar Luna, Katherrin Billordo, Gabriel Patti, Cindy Leal, and special musical guest Marcos Velazquez at the opening!
Photos of opening on instagram
Thank you and congratulations to our artist that showed their work!

AnySquared Artists Showcase gallery event!
Supporting and nurturing artists and creating community for over 13 years, AnySquared is a nonprofit artists collaborative, a network, and a platform for artists. AnySquared’s mission is to support, produce and promote collaborative projects that facilitate arts activities through inclusive participation.
IG: @ne2_gallerysquared
Find AnySquared on YouTube, TikTok, Twitter & Facebook!