Article: Logan Square Dog Park Celebrates One-Year Anniversary With Mural

“That hard work applies to the mural, too. All summer, a large team has worked to prime, paint and polish up this project, which was organized by AnySquared Projects, Tracy Kostenbader, Flash ABC, Renegades of Funk, CMW, Xmen, Holiday Gerry, Makeba Kedem-Dubose, Nerd, Gretchen Hasse, Squeak Starzula, Helen Sanchez, Logan Square Dog Park and dozens of others. The mural brought in two lead artists, about a dozen featured artists and others who are assisting, including a stencil crew and those who help keep track of inventory for this large-scale project.”

Before we paint, we prepare! Community Wall Prep Day

Before we paint, we prepare! Community Wall Prep Day is Sunday May 15 from Noon-7pm at the Logan Square Dog Park, 2529 W. Logan Boulevard (off of Western, north of Fullerton). facebook event  |  visit to the site  |  flier Art + Community: make the mural happen! Meet us at the park. Wear work clothes. … Read more