TWENTYunderTWENTY Exhibition+Events | PHOTOS

AnySquared’s October 10th TWENTYunderTWENTY Exhibition Opening was amazing! The exhibition was the culmination of our arts mentor and exhibit program in summer and fall of 2019 that featured Chicago artists age 20-years-old and under. Thanks everyone who supported our program, exhibit and events through the October 20th Wrap-Up party. A special thank you to all … Read more

Twenty Under Twenty Program Underway!

AnySquared’s TwentyUnderTwenty features Chicago artists age 20-years-old and under. This arts mentor and exhibit program has been created, conceptualized, and curated and by Helen Sanchez-Cortes. Look for our full schedule of events Oct 10-20: the opening, our gallery hours, a creative conversation pot-luck, and an art party. Events Posted Here > TwentyUnderTwenty artists making art … Read more