The Clarity of Obscurity | Cinema Minima

Cinema Minima Features Cinema Culture

The Clarity of Obscurity
Sunday, June 2 at 8pm
Cole’s, 2338 N Milwaukee

The Clarity of Obscurity delves into the various forms of experimental film practices. The works featured are guided meditations of personal reflections and gradual assembly. Each piece unlocks the door of misinterpretation for the viewer to walk into a better form of understanding. Total Running Time – 73 min

Jubilation – 14 min by Tommy Heffron

All Motion and Light – 10 min by Nelson Carvajal

Mouth – 2 min by Timothy David Orme

Ginger Rogers – 12 mins by Joseph Missurelli

La Ultima Barca – 5 min by Jason Ogawa

For Claire – 20 min by Alice Cohen

Solipsist – 10 min – by Andrew Thomas Huang



Cinema Minima is an Anysquared Project

October 2012 Cinema Minima curated by The Cinema Culture!

October’s Cinema Minima features:
The Cinema Culture’s Celebration of the Groteque & Morbid
10 films in 2 hours

Sunday, October 7

Cole’s Bar (2338 N. Milwaukee)

Cinema Minima teams up again with The Cinema Culture for an evening of full-on morbidity in 10 short films. October signifies the beginning of the season of death. As Halloween and All Saints’ Day approach, nature dies around us only to be reborn again. This two hour celebration of grotesquery and dying celebrates all that is this wonderful and eery Autumn month.

The Cinema Culture promotes and exhibits the work of film and video artist at various events, hosts small festivals, and programs exclusive shows. Erika Kubick is a co-curator at The Cinema Culture. As a death and taxidermy enthusiast, Erika is always looking for ways to commemorate mortality artfully and charmingly. She resides in Wicker Park.

The Cinema Culture will also be screening video in an installation and at Cole’s on Sat Oct 13 for SQUARED! an art walk + more!


  • Sink Hole
    A man is seduced by a sultry kitchen appliance. Directed by Greg Hanson. Greth Productions 2012. America
  • Carny
    A nightmarish glimpse into the trials of a circus performer and her downfall. Directed by Kevin Lonano. !Robot Hand! Productions 2011. America.
  • Zombin Laden: The Axis of Evil Dead
    A pseudo-theatrical trailer for a zombie thriller in which Osama bin Laden returns from the dead to declare jihad. Directed by Clément Deneux. 2011. France.
  • The Killing Joke
    A young woman’s curiosity overpowers her when she finds a red balloon tied to a little box on an eery derelict street. Classic elements of suspense tell this thrilling, action packed tale. Directed by Sebastian Lopez. Ioioma Films 2011. Argentina.
  • Dumb Dumbs
    Three young girls are vanquished by sweet temptations in a colorful but grotesquely disturbing underworld. Directed by Greg Hanson. Greth Productions 2012. America.
  • Leperfuck
    A young married woman clings to love among the impending loss of her missionary husband and their unborn child. A grueling tale set in pre-war 1940’s America. Directed by Drew Tobia. Mommy Kamikaze Secretions 2009. America.
  • Thy Kill Be Done
    When the Monsignor priest of an inner city church is killed by a gang of hoodlums and their drug lord leader, the nuns in the church’s clergy vow bloody revenge. Directed by Greg Hanson & Casey Regan. Greth Productions 2011. America.
  • Awesome Video TBA
    Check back for updated lineup!
  • Prayers of Death
    Documentary meets horror when the cameras shrink to the size of the mantis’s prey. This film is an exploration into the micro-world just beneath the surface of our human experience. Directed by Ben Nissen. 2011. America.
  • Death Rattle
    A hauntingly beautiful tribute to the masters of bone-chilling horror. A mash-up of classics set to eery house beats. Directed by Nick Bedidt. 2010. America.


Cinema Minima is an Anysquared Project  |  facebook  |  twitter

Cinema Minima Cinema Explosion | Curated by The Cinema Culture & 3 Minute Movies

In June, Cinema Minima features guest curation from The Cinema Culture and 3 Minute Movies in an all-out Cinema Explosion. The show will open up with a 33 min presentation of 3 minute movies made for the annual 3MM program. Then Cinema Culture will present the off kilter knee slapping feature film “The Funny Things You Do” by Jason Ogawa. Following is a live performance by Th’ Tarnation Boys performing music from the film.

Cinema Minima Cinema Explosion
Curated by The Cinema Culture and 3 Minute Movies
Sunday, June 3
Cole’s Bar, 2338 N. Milwaukee

About the curators:

The Cinema Culture promotes and exhibits the work of film and video artist through tours, special events, and exclusive shows. TCC was founded by Amir George in 2007. TCC has collaborated with several film clubs and organizations including Chicago Filmmakers, and CIMM Fest. The Cinema Culture exists to create an outlet for film and video makers outside of the normal festival circuit. This year TCC will be premiering a locally based program “Avant Garde Remixed” at the NXNE Film & Music festival in Toronto as well as embarking on two bi-coastal experimental video tours through November.

3 Minute Movies (3MM) was created to act as a hub for filmmakers and like-minded individuals to produce short films, screen their creations, and connect with other artists. 3MM is about the participants involved, not the audience. 3MM is not a film festival. 3MM is a collective consisting of Chris Batte, Tara Zanzig and Neil Potter. They believe filmmaking is an collaborative endeavor. to swim against the current of its nature is a fool’s errand. working with a partner takes you in new directions, teaches you things along the way, produces better results, and let’s be honest here, it lessens the load. 3MM’s intention is to bring together folks from different worlds and disciplines. it’s for pros. it’s for amateurs. it’s for students.  it’s for chemical engineers who have long admired Kubrick and are inspired to go shoot something. it’s for all of us. Every other month they assign a theme for filmmakers to create a 3 minute film about. 3MM screens their movies at Rodan in Wicker Park.

About the Feature Film:

The Funny Things You Do: Red-blooded redheads are hard up for cash. Each day they must roam the surreal American back country in search of funds and fun. Their story unfolds, deconstructs, and crumbles in Holler County, U.S.A.
TrailerFilm Tumblr

Director Jason S. Ogawa is a Japanese American experimental artist. His fascination with video recording began with skateboard movies shot on VHS. This curiosity was encouraged throughout his career in Chicago Public Schools. Jason earned a BFA in Moving Image from the University of Illinois at Chicago. In the same year, he also completed his first feature-length movie, “The Funny Things You Do.” His artwork is often intertwined with Chicago’s underground music community. He performs in the sword metal band Galdron. Jason lives, works, records, and performs in Chicago.


Cinema Minima is an Anysquared Project.
While at Cole’s check out the current Art@Cole’s Exhibit.
