We had a great time at the Art@Cole’s Reception and the Sweater Kittens Variety Hour | PHOTOS

We had a great time at the Art@Cole’s Reception and the Sweater Kittens Variety Hour. Thanks to the Sweater Kittens and Kimberly Darovec for all the fun and art for AnySquared’s 21st Art@Cole’s!

Check out more photos from the event!

Exhibition is currently on display through the end of June.


AnySquared Projects organizes the Art@Cole’s exhibit series.

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Kimberly Darovec | Art @ Cole’s #21

AnySquared’s Art@Cole’s series announces it’s 21st exhibition featuring paintings and drawings by artist/art therapist Kimberly Darovec, MAT.

To celebrate, AnySquared has teamed up with the Sweater Kittens for an evening of fun and art:

Sunday, April 19, 7pm-10pm
Cole’s Bar, 2338 N. Milwaukee

Front Room (continues through 10pm):
Art@Cole’s #21 Exhibit Reception


Back Room/Stage:
Sweater Kittens Variety Hour


AnySquared Projects organizes the Art@Cole’s exhibit series.
Exhibition is currently on display through the end of June.


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