Announcing September Against Da Fence

Announcing Against Da Fence <3 SUNDAY! September 12, 1pm—6pm at Project Logan (Mural wall in the alley behind 2929 W Fullerton parking lot – near Milwaukee).facebook event reminder > Showing Some Project Logan Love! We are doing it again! AnySquared & Renegades of Funk host this 1-day, outdoor, mini-art-festival: Art on the Fence Sticker-Making Live … Read more

Donate Your Art Stickers!

Donate your art stickers! Hand-drawn or printed. AnySquared is helping Unity Park to put together 1000 Art-in-the-Park at-home Art Kits to hand out children. We want to put stickers in the kits for the kids! Send or drop-off 20-100 (or many more) kid-friendly stickers to AnySquared! Deadline to receive stickers is May 25, 2020: send … Read more