FLASH and CHUMBLY from  ABC (Artistic Bombing Crew) putting up some fresh paint

FLASH and CHUMBLY from  ABC (Artistic Bombing Crew) putting up some fresh paint on the front of Cole’s this past Sunday before AnySquared’s excellent Cinema Minima – Come by and see it next Sunday for the “Respond. React.” reception for our 20th Art@Cole’s exhibit. (Info below!)

Dont forget to also check out the ABC’s ever-changing large mural, “Project Logan,” which can be seen on Fullerton at Milwaukee behind the Liberty Bank west Parking lot. Another change has been in the works this week!

Invitation to Artists’ Reception January 13

Art@Cole’s #20: “Respond.React.” is a collaborative exhibit that explores “influential creation” through a series of 30-plus paintings by John Bambino and Lewis Lain

Artist reception Sunday, January 13, 2013 at 7:30pm.
Cole’s Bar 2338 N. Milwaukee

Respond.React | a collaborative exhibit | Art @ Coles #20

Art@Cole’s #20:

“Respond.React” a collaborative exhibit that explores “influential creation” through a series of 30-plus paintings by John Bambino and Lewis Lain

Cole’s Bar 2338 N. Milwaukee
December 16, 2012-February 10, 2013.
Artist reception Sunday, January 13, 2013 at 7:30pm.

Respond. React is an exhibition of artistic responses between artists John Bambino and Lewis lain. This experiment in collaboration began with both artists creating a painting. These first ‘prime’ paintings were exchanged and each artist lived with the other’s painting for one week. Each artist then created a painting in response to the other’s ‘prime’ painting. The second paintings were again exchanged and again lived with for a week. Each artist created another painting based off the other’s second painting. These paintings were then exchanged. This cycle of response and reaction continued for four months and the outcome created the series of the paintings currently on display at Cole’s. (Gallery of images on fb)

John Bambino is a Chicago artist that believes that art should represent oneself, thus his work represents himself. John thinks life is complicated enough; sometimes too much going on in any piece of work can take away from the original meaning and feeling of the piece. His work is composed of simple, bold colors, and his goal is to make his work very enjoyable to look at and for it to stand out amongst everything else. John Bambino’s style is influenced by his cousin, friends, being involved in the hip-hop community, and looking at other artists’ and graffiti artists’ work. www.coasp.tumblr.com

Lewis Lain is a multi-medium artist residing in Chicago. His work focuses on storytelling with simple design and recycled ‘resonant’ material. His use of re-claimed windows and found-glass as canvas with cardboard and acrylic results in multi-dimensional paintings punctuated with extensive use of color and texture.  Recent exhibitions include ‘origins’ and ‘worldview,’ and a mural commissioned by the Village of Oak Park. He is fascinated with constant exploration of the balance between mundane action and annihilating revelation. www.lewislain.com

Art@Cole’s is an ongoing project of AnySquared Projects featuring local artists on the walls of Cole’s Bar every 6-8weeks.Headquartered in Logan Square’s AnyWhere Space on Milwaukee Avenue,  AnySquared is an artist collabrative and network that organizes events, exhibitions and opportunities for and by artists to show and make work


projects@anysquared.com  |  anysquared.com


Art@Cole’s exhibit: 99 Bottle of Beer on the Wall through mid-December.

Don’t Forget to check out the current Art@Cole’s exhibit: 99 Bottle of Beer on the Wall through mid-December.

At Cole’s Bar, 2338 N. Milwaukee, where local artists and the Cole’s community give homage to the favorite libation. Features over 99 artists and community participants!


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Art@Cole’s is an AnySquared Project
This exhibition was organized as part of our SQUARED! Art+Community art walk

event invitation

Also on display through mid-December is the MORSELS: small works/small series exhibit at Township! 2200 N. Milwaukee.

Christmas on Mars | A Fantastical Film Freakout Featuring the Flaming Lips

  A Fantastical Film Freakout Featuring the Flaming LipsDecember 2 at 8pm(83 min., 2008, Written and Directed by, Wayne Coyne; Co-Directors: Bradley Beesley and George Salisbury) As much about bleak isolation as it is about colorful optimism, this feature film by The Flaming Lips is set in outer space on the surface of Mars. The … Read more

Another Article About AnySquared & Art@Coles Photography Exhibit!

Another Article About AnySquared & Art@Coles! Local Photographers Featured at Art @ Cole’s On Monday evening, Cole’s bar (2338 N. Milwaukee) hosted an artists’ reception for Art@Cole’s #18: The Photo Show, an AnySquared Project (@AnySquared). Featured photographers included Mathew Avignone, Seaghan Brien, Laura Kurtenbach, Joseph Mietus and Brett Swinney. The show will be on display through … Read more

AnySquared Shows Photography | The Northwest Passage article

See Article: AnySquared shows photography in … Article in The Northwest Passage by Heather Momyer about Art@Cole’s #18: The Photo Show and our collaborative AnySquared Projects facebook  |   twitter Save the date! Sat October 13  SQUARED! an art walk + more!

The Photo Show | Art@Cole’s #18 | Opening

Art@Cole’s #18: The Photo Show

Join AnySquared for an Artists’ Reception
on Monday, August 20 at 8pm
Cole’s, 2338 N. Milwaukee.
On display through September 15. 

Features excellent work by:
Matthew Avignone from his acclaimed Stranger Than Family series
Seaghan Brien from his blizzard series
Laura Kurtenbach
from her self portrait series
Joseph Mietus from his street photography series
Brett Swinney from his street series

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Save the date! Sat October 13 SQUARED! an art walk + more!

The Photo Show | Art@Cole’s #18

Photo by Laura Kurtenbach.

Art@Cole’s #18: The Photo Show
Artists’ Reception
Monday, August 20 at 8pm
Cole’s, 2338 N. Milwaukee.
fb invitation

Features work by Matthew Avignone, Seaghan Brien, Laura Kurtenbach, Joseph Mietus and Brett Swinney. On display through September 15.

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Save the date! Sat October 13 SQUARED! an art walk + more!

Art Reception Tonight!

    Art@Cole’s #17 features work by Justin Bushman, Andrew Hannigan, and Alan Lerner Monday, June 4, 8-10pm Cole’s 2338 N. Milwaukee Ave., Chicago _______________________ Art@Cole’s is an AnySquared Project The ongoing series on the walls of Cole’s Bar features a variety of artists in changing exhibits every 6-8 weeks for the last 2 and half years. … Read more

Justin Bushman, Andrew Hannigan, & Alan Lerner | Art@Coles #17 

Art@Coles #17 
featuring work by Justin Bushman, Andrew Hannigan, and Alan Lerner
On Display Through July 8, 2012

Monday, June 4, 8-10pm
Cole’s 2338 N. Milwaukee Ave., Chicago


Justin Bushman  |  justinbushman@yahoo.com
I am a conduit for outer forces that infect me vicariously. This work is the physical representation of the images I see in the dark recesses of my mind.


Andrew Hannigan  |  me@andrewhannigan.com
I work with images of heroes from different periods and in different styles, from Nordic myths to Persian miniatures and Japanese characters from classic and pop culture sources. I am interested in how the various mannerisms and mark making come together from a variety of sources to manifest an idealized yet flawed meta-human. Without any specific narrative, I try to depict a collapsed story that gives form to heroes.


Alan Lerner  |  albomatic@gmail.com
I approach my life and art as a skeptic, questioning conventional wisdoms and trusting in what is a shifting set of beliefs. My work looks at artiface, theater and contradiction as catalysts toward finding truth. The screen printing medium allows me freedom to pursue the packaged and the moment.


Art@Cole’s is an AnySquared Project

facebook  |   twitter  |  anysquared.com


Art@Cole’s is an ongoing series on the walls of Cole’s Bar featuring a variety of artists in changing exhibits every 6-8 weeks for the last 2 and half years. Art@Cole’s is an AnySquared Project.

For more information contact at projects@anysquared.com, or visit our website at anysquared.com.
