“Use it in a Sentence” Exhibit Features Rebecca Kautz

AnySquared’s Art @ Coles #38 Use in a Sentence: Paintings by Rebecca Kautz OPENING | Sunday, February 10, 5pm-8:30pm facebook event > On View Through April 12 Cole’s Bar, 2338 N. Milwaukee, Chicago (Note: Coles is 21+ venue) RebeccaKautz.com Artist Statement My work is strongly informed by my interest in the motifs of domesticity, interpersonal … Read more

Art@Coles #36 Group Show

#36 | An Art @ Cole’s Group Show | October 23–November 29, 2018
Art Reception:
Sunday, November 4, from 5:30-8:30pm: facebook event >
Cole’s Bar, 2338 N. Milwaukee, Chicago (Note: Coles is 21+ venue)

Featuring Artists:
John Bambino
Juan A. Cano
Timothy Inklebarger
Lewis Lain
Gary Lehman
David Orozco

Art@Coles is organized by AnySquared Projects.


AnySquared.com  | Supporting and nurturing artists and creating community for nearly 9 years, AnySquared is an all-volunteer collaborative and artistic network. AnySquared’s mission is to support, produce and promote collaborative projects that facilitate arts activities through inclusive participation.

Studio Day Artmaking Sessions

Drop-In Artmaking Sessions:
AnySquared’s Studio Day Wednesdays from 3–10pm at 2328 N. Milwaukee A
ve in Chicago. Join us for our free weekly event! Stop in. Make Art. Meet People. Be Social or Stay Focused. Plot Liberation. At Studio Day we also discuss art projects.

After more than 8 years of Wednesdays, AnySquared continues to nurture artists and create community!

Anysquared.com  | AnySquared:  YouTube  | facebook  |  twitter

Thanks AnySquared Crew for the Team Effort! — VIDEO

Thanks to the AnySquared Crew for the team effort in helping prep the walls for painting at Agitator Gallery! Much AnySquared Love to Adrian, Paige, Eric, Victoria, Carlos, and Naomi for all the work.

Carrying Burdens by Andrea Kaspryk and Eating Words by Tracy Kostenbader Closing Art Talk – PHOTOS

Thanks to everyone who joined AnySquared on June 9th at Agitator Cooperative Gallery for their very fun opening featuring our very own Tracy Kostenbader and Andrea Kaspryk. Join us again for the very last chance to see the exhibition installation on July 7th. Closing Art Talk at Agitator Gallery Carrying Burdens by Andrea Kaspryk & … Read more

Andrea Kaspryk & Tracy Kostenbader

AnySquared’s founding member Tracy Kostenbader and dual member of AnySquared and Agitator Cooperative Gallery Andrea Kaspryk are featured in a 2-person exhibition from June 9 through July 7, 2018. Andrea Kaspryk & Tracy Kostenbader Opening | Saturday, June 9 from 6pm to 9pm facebook event > Agitator Gallery, 1112 N. Ashland Ave, Chicago _____ Andrea Kaspryk  … Read more

Artmaking Sessions Every Wednesday

AnySquared’s Studio Day
Artmaking Sessions Every Wednesday
2328 N. Milwaukee Ave

Join us weekly!
Stop in. Make Art. Meet People. Brainstorm Projects. Plot Liberation.
Be Social or Stay Focused. At Studio Day AnySquared also discusses
upcoming art projects.

After 8 years of Wednesdays, AnySquared continues to nurture artists and create community at our weekly sessions. Free.

Anysquared.com  |  AnySquared:  YouTube  | facebook  |  twitter


is an all-volunteer collaborative and artistic network. Propelled by a
deep sense of cooperation with artists, neighbors and the wider
community, our mission is to support, produce and promote collaborative
projects that facilitate arts activities through inclusive
participation. Our foundation is built upon the idea that we can do
anything as long as we do it together.

Studio Day Video

Link to Video

Studio Day Artmaking Sessions
Every Wednesday, 3pm–10pm
AnySquared Studio, 2328 N. Milwaukee Ave


Join us weekly!
For 7 years of Wednesdays, AnySquared has been nurturing artists and
creating community at our weekly Studio Sessions. Stop in. Make Art.
Meet People. Brainstorm Projects. Plot Liberation. Be Social or Stay
Focused. Make a proposal: at Studio Day AnySquared discusses upcoming
art projects. Free.

Anysquared.com  |  AnySquared:  YouTube  | facebook  |  twitter

is an all-volunteer collaborative and artistic network. Propelled by a deep sense of cooperation with artists, neighbors and the wider community, our mission is to support, produce and promote collaborative projects that facilitate arts activities through inclusive participation. Our foundation is built upon the idea that we can do anything as long as we do it together.

Awesome Studio Day Artmaking Sessions


Studio Day Artmaking Sessions
Every Wednesday, 3pm–10pm
AnySquared Studio, 2328 N. Milwaukee Ave


Join us weekly! For 7 years of Wednesdays, AnySquared has been nurturing artists and creating community at our weekly Studio Sessions. Stop in. Make Art. Meet People. Brainstorm Projects. Plot Liberation. Be Social or Stay Focused. Make a proposal: at Studio Day AnySquared discusses upcoming art projects. Free.

Anysquared.com  |  AnySquared:  YouTube  | facebook  |  twitter

is an all-volunteer collaborative and artistic network. Propelled by a deep sense of cooperation with artists, neighbors and the wider community, our mission is to support, produce and promote collaborative projects that facilitate arts activities through inclusive participation. Our foundation is built upon the idea that we can do anything as long as we do it together.

Studio Day Every Wednesday!


Studio Day Artmaking Sessions
Every Wednesday
Drop in hours are 3pm–10pm
AnySquared Studio, 2328 N. Milwaukee Ave

Join us weekly!
For 7 years of Wednesdays, AnySquared has been nurturing artists and creating community at our weekly studio sessions. Stop in. Make Art. Meet People. Brainstorm Projects. Plot Liberation.
Be Social or Stay Focused. Make a proposal: at Studio Day AnySquared
discusses upcoming art projects. | Free

Anysquared.com  |  AnySquared on: YouTube  |  facebook  |  twitter


AnySquared is
an all-volunteer collaborative and artistic network headquartered in
Logan Square’s AnySquared Studio in Chicago. Propelled by a deep sense
of cooperation with artists, neighbors and the wider community, our
mission is to support, produce and promote collaborative projects that
facilitate arts activities through inclusive participation. Our
foundation is built upon the idea that we can do anything as long as we
do it together.