Cinema Culture | Interstellar Outer-Body screening of sci-fi films | PHOTOS

November 1st Cinema Culture presented their Interstellar Outer-Body screening of sci-fi films at the Hairpin Arts Center. Thanks Amir George for putting together a great lineup of short films, by local filmmakers Nelson Carvajal, Jason Ogawa, and Floyd Webb as well as other excellent selections for our AnySquared Residency.


AnySquared Projects is grateful to the Hairpin Arts Center for this opportunity to program their space during our residency.
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Cinema Culture: Interstellar Outer Body

Cinema Culture Presents
Interstellar Outer-Body
Sci-fi Film Screening with Performance
at AnySquared’s Residency

Saturday November 1, at 7:00pm – 10:30pm
Hairpin Arts Center
2810 N Milwaukee Ave 2nd Fl, Chicago, Illinois 60618

Cinema Culture crash lands into AnySquared at Hairpin for a program presenting sci-fi cinema and performances. “Interstellar Outer-Body” is a celestial experience that explores the transcendence through space and time beyond the cosmos and out of the psyche. Cinema Culture’s Amir George hosts with new works by Jason Ogawa, Floyd Webb, and Nelson Carvajal.

Image: still from the Stonehart music video by Jason Ogawa.

This event is part of AnySquared’s Residency programming. AnySquared Projects thanks the Hairpin Arts Center for offering us this opportunity to create this event with Cinema Culture at their wonderful space. See our programming this week and through mid-November!

AnySquared is an all-volunteer collaborative artistic network, propelled by a deep sense of cooperation with artists, neighbors and the wider community. Our mission is to support, produce and promote collaborative projects that facilitate arts activities through inclusive participation. Our foundation is built upon the idea that we can do anything as long as we do ourselves and do it together.
twitter: @AnySquared
tumblr: AnySquared

BIG TROUBLE in Little Logan | Curated by Cinema Culture for Cinema Minima

BIG TROUBLE in Little Logan
Sunday January 5, at 8pm

Cole’s Bar, 2338 N. Milwaukee | Chicago

Curated by Cinema Culture this month’s Cinema Minima Chicago, the “BIG TROUBLE in Little Logan” program features the short films of local production crews Big Dogs and Input/Output Productions.
Look for updates: more details to come!

Screening: A joint episode of web series
Kiss Like Big Dogs
Kelly Youngman, is going through life with no steady job, no place to live, and still manages to have one girlfriend after another. He’s a young guy who lives life like he’s the lead in a cheesy romantic comedy, a wannabe silver screen lothario.

Short Films:

Dante & Jean
a little homage to french new wave.

Queen Sheba
A lady who dates many, and kills some

The Man Who Won’t Leave you Alone
A young and recently licensed process server learns the difficulty of delivering the summons of a lawsuit to its unpredictable defendants. He charges himself with the ultimatum: Prove to his jovial, unsympathetic colleagues how it should to be done or admit he’s not the man for the job.

Synopsis to come


The Cinema Culture  |  As cinema advocates, The Cinema Culture promotes and exhibits the work of film and video artists at various events, festivals, and exclusive screenings. Founder Amir George recently featured in Reader Article

Cinema Minima Chicago  | An Anysquared Project  |  subscribe
