Joseph Mietus | Because Art

In the book Rooftop Soliloquy, Roman Payne writes, “…all forms of madness, bizarre habits, awkwardness in society, general clumsiness, are justified in the person who creates good art.” To a degree I think this is true, if for no other reason than its acknowledgement that society allows artists to break social norms because it’s understood art will allow us to see things in a new way.

Arts function is to take both extremes as well as the mundane of existence and present it in a way that offers some sort of commentary or inspires new thought. It’s for this reason the “bizarre habits” and “awkwardness” are condoned, understood, and sometimes embraced.

While it’s easy to romanticize the value of the process – embracing the journey rather than the destination – for me the essential factor in art is about the actual creation of something and that goal is not reached until the end. The process becomes an important factor over a period of time of the development after many different pieces – recognizing how that has changed to reach finalized goals.

I don’t label myself an artists but rather as a creative person who associates with other creative people. I’m sure in using the word “goals” would rub some the wrong way, but all the art I create – in music, photography, etc. – is not tangible until something is complete – until there is something to show. Prior to that, it’s only an idea. Because my friends and I are artists (if we consider ourselves such or not) we do everything we can to see our ideas into realization.

Joseph Mietus


Joseph Mietus was an Exhibiting Artist in AnySquared’s Fall 2014 Because Art Exhibition.

Artist Maria Dimashtein | Because Art

What does it mean to be an artist?
Being an artist is a way of seeing and experiencing life. Paying attention to one’s surroundings, contemplating, noticing things, knowing one’s thoughts and feelings. As an artist I have a curiosity about the external as well as things going on inside of me. Being an artist also means a commitment to a practice of expression, whatever form that may take. An artist is both an experiencer as well as a creator.

What is the function of art?
I like to say that art is the soul of the society. It doesn’t seem right to say that art has a function but it has a very important place to occupy. It is a necessity in its own way: while not necessary for survival it is essential for a fulfilled meaningful life. Art brings us together and often provides an opportunity to relate to each other. It inspires us, reveals new truths, gives pleasure, offers new ways of seeing things.

What is more important to you the process or the result?
My work is born out of my process and the process is inspired by my life experience – things I am going through become the essence of my work. The end result is merely a stopping point when a certain process appears to be exhausted.

Do you label yourself as an artist?
I define myself as an artist. I try to experience the mundane, the everyday as a work of art – reading into the meaning and form, looking for shapes, content and lyricism everywhere I go. Sometimes I share my observations with others. In addition my ultimate goal that I am subtly pursuing every day is to produce artwork. Many decisions I make are made with that goal in mind. Essentially my biggest and constant desire is to make art.

Maria Dimanshtein


Maria Dimanshtein was an Exhibiting Artist in AnySquared’s Fall 2014 Because Art Exhibition.

Erik Debat | Because Art

What does it mean to be an artist?
– Freedom

What is the function of art?
– Expression

What is more important to you the process or the result?
– They are equal and symbiotic.

Do you label yourself as an artist?
– Yes, proudly.

Erik DeBat


Erik DeBat was an Exhibiting Artist in AnySquared’s Fall 2014 Because Art Exhibition.

Julie Sulzen

What does it mean to be an artist?
An artist is one who lives a creative life. A creative life is when one creates something where there was nothing before.

What is the function of art?
The function of art is to give oneself, or others, deeper insight and meaning into the world around them.

What is more important to you, the process or the result?
The result is based on the process. The end result is what is witnessed and should communicate an idea effectively, hopefully the idea for which the artist was aiming.

Do you label yourself as an artist?
After many years of labeling myself a “painter”, I finally feel I can label myself an artist. I now recognize that I do create something where there was nothing before. I realize now I have the ability to effectively communicate, through a visual means, an idea that can give deeper insight and meaning into the world around us.

Julie Sulzen


Julie Sulzen was an Exhibiting Artist in AnySquared’s Fall 2014 Because Art Exhibition.

Nathan Becka | Because Art

What does it mean to be an artist?
I think being an artist means having a perspective and being able to manipulate things in the world to present it as best you can.

What is the function of art?
If you’ll accept a Sunday-school answer: beauty. As far as I can tell, the choices are to waste and consume or to create, add something to the world, and move culture forward. The function of art is to counter waste, destruction, and awfulness with beauty.

What is more important to you the process or the result?
The process, doing art, for me, is being part of the solution. It’s something I have to do, but it doesn’t mean much unless someone else sees what I do and is, I hope, moved by it. That being the case, I’d say the result is more important.

Do you label yourself as an artist?
I’m learning to.

Nathan Becka


Nathan Becka was an Exhibiting Artist in AnySquared’s Fall 2014 Because Art Exhibition.

Call For Artists: Apply to “Because Art” Exhibit!

Deadline is Monday, September 8. AnySquared seeks visual art submissions in all media that reveal the discourse between the art and the artist for an exhibition at the Hairpin Arts Center The exhibit will explore approaches and techniques of art practice and how it is shaped through the process of self-identification. INSTRUCTIONS & SUBMISSION QUESTIONS: … Read more

Artists of Chicago: AnySquared Co-Founder Tracy Kostenbader & SALVAGE Exhibit at The Plant

READ ARTICLE: Artists of Chicago: Tracy Kostenbader & SALVAGE Exhibit at The Plant Tracy Kostenbader in front of her “Triple Seat Production” (acrylic, charcoal, pencil, pastel, block print ink, water-soluble marker on 6 re-used canvases) at the opening event at the Salvage exhibit on June 21, 2014. See the full interview…

Artists We Want You! AnySquared is rounding up artists for Unity Park’s Art in the Park!

Artists We Want You!
AnySquared is rounding up artists for Unity Park’s Art in the Park!

Saturday July 27th 
10am-2pm (
Spend all 4 hours or stop in for 1!)
Unity Park in Logan Square
2636 N Kimball, Chicago

Be part of a crew of artists painting alongside neighborhood families! The Unity Park Advisory Committee provides materials (canvases and paint). Bring yourself, make something, experience music and enjoy great company!*** It should be a fun summer day!

FREE and sponsored by UPAC,

If it rains, event will move indoors to Grace Church, 3325 W. Wrightwood

Art made at the event will be displayed during “A Day in Avondale” on September 28.

***artists are also welcome to bring their own supplies and media.

Respond.React | a collaborative exhibit | Art @ Coles #20

Art@Cole’s #20:

“Respond.React” a collaborative exhibit that explores “influential creation” through a series of 30-plus paintings by John Bambino and Lewis Lain

Cole’s Bar 2338 N. Milwaukee
December 16, 2012-February 10, 2013.
Artist reception Sunday, January 13, 2013 at 7:30pm.

Respond. React is an exhibition of artistic responses between artists John Bambino and Lewis lain. This experiment in collaboration began with both artists creating a painting. These first ‘prime’ paintings were exchanged and each artist lived with the other’s painting for one week. Each artist then created a painting in response to the other’s ‘prime’ painting. The second paintings were again exchanged and again lived with for a week. Each artist created another painting based off the other’s second painting. These paintings were then exchanged. This cycle of response and reaction continued for four months and the outcome created the series of the paintings currently on display at Cole’s. (Gallery of images on fb)

John Bambino is a Chicago artist that believes that art should represent oneself, thus his work represents himself. John thinks life is complicated enough; sometimes too much going on in any piece of work can take away from the original meaning and feeling of the piece. His work is composed of simple, bold colors, and his goal is to make his work very enjoyable to look at and for it to stand out amongst everything else. John Bambino’s style is influenced by his cousin, friends, being involved in the hip-hop community, and looking at other artists’ and graffiti artists’ work.

Lewis Lain is a multi-medium artist residing in Chicago. His work focuses on storytelling with simple design and recycled ‘resonant’ material. His use of re-claimed windows and found-glass as canvas with cardboard and acrylic results in multi-dimensional paintings punctuated with extensive use of color and texture.  Recent exhibitions include ‘origins’ and ‘worldview,’ and a mural commissioned by the Village of Oak Park. He is fascinated with constant exploration of the balance between mundane action and annihilating revelation.

Art@Cole’s is an ongoing project of AnySquared Projects featuring local artists on the walls of Cole’s Bar every 6-8weeks.Headquartered in Logan Square’s AnyWhere Space on Milwaukee Avenue,  AnySquared is an artist collabrative and network that organizes events, exhibitions and opportunities for and by artists to show and make work

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