Stitching Circle at AnySquared! | Nov 3

Stitching Circle! Friday November 3rd at 5:30pm, at AnySquared, 2328 N Milwaukee: Bring your sewing, knitting, or crocheting projects to this informal session. Let’s help each other! Studio supplies: embroidery thread, yarn thread, fabric are available for use. ___ AnySquared Projects is an art collaborative, a network, and a platform for artists. Propelled by a … Read more

Bookbinding Basics #2: Making Covers | Oct 6

AnySquared’s SkillShare Series! Join us for this free followup workshop with experienced book conservator, artist Tracy Kostenbader / @tracykostenbader. In Part 2, she will take you through more techniques and materials of bookbinding, how to make a cover, and case in a book. Bring a textblock. A limited number of textblocks will be available. Bookbinding … Read more

Break Artists Block Postponed

This Workshop will be rescheduled. Art Process: How Break through Artists Block & Beat the Blank Page with Facilitator Alice Gabriel at AnySquared, 2328 N Milwaukee, Chicago. This workshop is part of AnySquared’s Skillshare Series. Alice Gabrielle will show you how to get started from reference photo to finished piece! This workshop will show you … Read more

Eight O’Clock Shops: SHOP 1: GRAIN/GLUE/GESSO

Introducing AnySquared’s New Eight O’Clock Shops Free ½ hour art-workshops on the last Wednesday of each month following our regular Studio Day. Each ‘shop is a useful demonstration of materials and techniques or a short talk. facebook event > ____ SHOP 1: GRAIN/GLUE/GESSO (on paper & board) – There are simple rules and techniques to … Read more