Matthew J. Hilker — Photos
Art @ Coles gallery page for Matt Hilker thegeneha: On my first visit to Cafe Mustache in Chicago’s Logan Square I was stunned to see

Work by Mike Bolsinga Now On Display at Handlebar
Work by Mike Bolsinga Now On Display at Handlebar 2311 W. North | Chicago Mike’s Website Interview with Mike from last summer _____ AnySquared is

Make & Meet Wednesdays
AnySquared Studio Day 2328 N. Milwaukee Anytime between 3pm and 8pm Paint, draw, collage, or brainstorm for projects and collaborations. Check out photos from 5+

Paint. Draw. Collage. Brainstorm Studio Day!
Paint.. draw.. collage… brainstorm about projects… work on collaborations… AnySquared Studio DayWednesdays Anytime 3pm-8pm2328 N. Milwaukee Check out photos from 5+ years of artmaking sessions If

Call for Artists | Art @ Coles
AnySquared’s excellent Art@Cole’s Series Is Seeking New Artists for New Shows! Art@Cole’s Series is looking for submissions from artists (or groups of artists) to hang

Make & Meet! Studio Day Wednesdays! — PHOTOS
Make & Meet! Studio Day Wednesdays!

Paint, collage, draw, + more.
AnySquared Open Artmaking SessionsWednesdaysDrop in Anytime between 3pm and 8pmAnywhere Space, 2328 N. Milwaukee ________ Celebrating 5+ years of weekly Studio Days!Photos from artmaking

Studio Days: Paint, collage, draw, + more.
AnySquared Open Artmaking Sessions Wednesdays Anytime between 3pm and 8pmAnywhere Space, 2328 N. Milwaukee Check out photos from 5+ years of artmaking sessions________ AnySquared is an

Make & Meet: Celebrate 5 years of Studio Days!
Make & Meet! Join us for artmaking as we also celebrate 5 years of our weekly open studio! We have supplies: stop in to paint,

This Wednesday: Paint, collage, draw, + more
AnySquared Studio Day 3pm to 8pm each weekAnywhere Space, 2328 N. Milwaukee ________ AnySquared and Studio Day is 5:Check out photos from 5+ years of artmaking

ART. SWAP, MEET! Artist Networking Event & Closing Party
Fun for all! Art Swap 2014 was our final AnySquared Residency event at the Hairpin Arts Center and the last chance to view our excellent

Interstellar Outer-Body Film Screening | PHOTOS
November 1st Cinema Culture presented their Interstellar Outer-Body screening of sci-fi films. Thanks Amir George for putting together a great lineup of short films, by

Stop in for artmaking
AnySquared Studio Day Anywhere Space, 2328 N. Milwaukee Stop in for artmaking from 3pm to 8pmpaint, collage, draw, + more… Check out photos from 5+ years

Story Forms — PHOTOS
On November 2nd, Gretchen Hasse, Lewis Lain, and Carlos J. Matallana presented the Story Forms artists talk exploring the use of narrative in their work.

Cinema Culture | Interstellar Outer-Body screening of sci-fi films | PHOTOS
November 1st Cinema Culture presented their Interstellar Outer-Body screening of sci-fi films at the Hairpin Arts Center. Thanks Amir George for putting together a great

Art Swap Meet
ART. SWAP. MEET! An Artist Networking Event & AnySquared Residency Closing Party Saturday, November 15, 6:30pm – 10pm Hairpin Arts Center, 2810 N. Milwaukee How

Cinema Minima | Shifting Format | Future Screenings will be Special Events Only
Cinema Minima is now changing format and will be scheduling our future screenings as special events only. Look for our future posts. See everyone later!

AnySquared Studio Day Wednesdays
AnySquared Studio Day Wednesdays paint, collage, draw, + more Stop in for artmaking from 3pm to 8pm Anywhere Space, 2328 N. Milwaukee _____ Anysquared Projects is

Story Forms | Artists Talk & Workshop Exploring Narratives
STORY FORMS! Artists Talk & Workshop Exploring Narratives Sunday, November 1, from 1:30pm to 3pm AnySquared’s Residency at Hairpin Arts Center 2810 N Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago