Be There! Against Da Fence Mini-Art-Fest | July 15

Against Da Fence: SATURDAY! July 15th, 1pm-6pmLogan Square Dog Park – Chicago Park #5562529 W Logan Blvd, Entrance at Logan (side road) at Artesian / Between Western & Artesian. (South of Skate Park on the south side of the highway overpass.) Eventbrite Always a good time! AnySquared & Renegades of Funk team up to bring … Read more

Fun Art Day with Migrant Families: Piotrowski Park

Great Day on Saturday at Piotrowski Park! AnySquared @ne2_gallerysquared, and Pilsen Art & Community House (PACH) @pilsenartscommunityhouse brought arts activities and supplies to the park for an afternoon of artmaking with migrant families staying at the the park and the wider community! Thanks to everyone who participated and especially to our event partner PACH! Gratitude … Read more

2022 Recap of an Excellent Year!

Dear Friends of AnySquared, Some of you are friends we’ve featured in exhibitions, some we’ve met at events or studio days, and some we’ve collaborated with on your projects – many are friends from the community. You are why we exist and your support is essential for us to continue our work. This December marks … Read more

Viva La Vida Day of the Dead Ofrenda

Lead Artist: Cesar Luna  | Over 6-8 weeks, AnySquared created a Community Ofrenda that honored those who have been killed by gun violence in 2022. Each item represented approximately 5 people killed by guns so far in 2022: Group of Toys represented children under 10 years old• Gold Skulls represented youth 11–20 years old • … Read more

Belmont Cragin Community Mural! A Labor of Love

Thanks to all who were involved and helped paint the Belmont Cragin Community Mural! Location: Side wall of the Dollar Plus Food Mart, at 5043 W. Armitage Avenue, Chicago (near Armitage & Lawler). Thursday September 22nd—Sunday Sept 25th _____ IG: @ne2_gallersquared TikTok/Twitter/Facebook/YouTube: AnySquared

AITP 2022 | Great Day at Unity Park | PHOTOS

Art in the Park/Arte en el Parque! Much gratitude for all the volunteers who made it Happen! Special Thanks to Helen Sanchez-Cortes for creating the Sharing Space with Each Other Banner and organizing the activities! Art in the Park 2022 Saturday July 23rd, 10am–2pm Unity Park, 2636 N. Kimball facebook invite > Unity Park becomes … Read more

Project Logan Love: Against Da Fence | PHOTOS

Showing some Project Logan love with AnySquared and Renegades of Funk – Chicago at our 1-day Mini-Art-Fest event. Features: Art on the Fence • Live Art • Art Vendors • Painting on the Wall • Sticker-Making Station + More! More Photos: 2022 Facebook Albuminstagram post 1 | Instagram post 2 | instagram post 3 Against … Read more

2021 Recap of Exciting Programming This Year!

2021 Wrap Up! Dear Friends of AnySquared, A very belated Happy New Year! February 2022 will be AnySquared’s 12th Anniversary, an excellent time to celebrate everything we have accomplished in the past year and get excited about everything coming up this year. We won the Artist-Run Chicago Grant from Hyde Park Arts Center! We received … Read more

A Great Day! Against Da Fence #2: Sept 2021

September 12th was a great day! This Against Da Fence at Project Logan was bittersweet as heavy machines are now chewing down the building’s bricks. We thought the building was coming down, but the perimeter walls stayed up. AnySquared & Renegades of Funk Shared Some Project Logan Love at Against Da Fence! Our outdoor, mini-art-festival … Read more

Taking Care of Each Other | Art in the Park 2021

ART IN THE PARK 2021 | It was a beautiful day of art plus community on Saturday July 31st at Unity Park! Thank you to everyone who came out and especially those who volunteered for to make ART in the Park/ ARTE en el Parque a wonderful time!

Painted by artists of all ages, the “Taking Care of Each Other” community banner mural was drawn by artist Helen Sanchez-Cortes. Helen is an AnySquared Member and is also the lead organizer of this year’s Art in the Park art activities. The banner honors the mutual aid, love, and care we share as a community living through the ongoing pandemic together. With the help of the community, the painting of the banner was completed in 4 hours! At the end of the day, the AnySquared crew hung the beautiful and vibrant piece on the park fence for all to enjoy at Kimball and Schubert (2636 N. Kimball).

Activities during Art in the Park:
At the  “Creative Function Junction,” Unity Park volunteer Sarah Falkiner organized and helped children create many useful items using recyclables (while taking care of the earth in the process!) Families had fun making treasure boxes and multimedia collages at the “Craft Corner,” lead by Unity Park’s Connie Baznik. For the “Painting Together” activity, the amazing Unity Park and AnySquared volunteers distributed paint the entire day for families to make art on canvases and also help paint the banner mural. AnySquared’s Katie Klimacek pitched in to paint faces and arms of children for the day!!! DJ Rica Fils made it more fun with music!

Deep love to the AnySquared Crew who made the painting events and the banner mural happen: Helen, Tracy, Brett, Amie, Maxx, Katie, Amadeo, Matt, Noon, Juan, Andrew, Adrian, and Elliot.

Much gratitude to Unity Park Advisory Council for their tireless work in hosting and funding this event every year to bring art to the community! Thank you also to all of the Unity Park volunteers who were essential in making the event happen! Thanks to Logan Square Mutual Aid for providing the take-home Art bags & Craft bags we helped assemble to give away to families!

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IG: @ne2_gallerysquared
TikTok @anysquared

AnySquared is an all-volunteer collaborative and artists network. Propelled by a deep sense of cooperation with artists, neighbors and the wider  community, our mission is to support, produce and promote collaborative  projects that facilitate arts activities through inclusive  participation. Our foundation is built upon the idea that we can do  anything as long as we do it together.