Studio Days – Always a Good Time Making Art!

AnySquared’s STUDIO DAY WednesdaysEvery Week from 4pm-10pm AnySquared Studio, 2328 N Milwaukee Make Art! Meet People. Make Music. Stop by. Brainstorm Projects. Hatch Ideas. Plot Liberation. Be Social or Stay Focused. • We have plenty of basic supplies to share. You are also welcome to bring your own supplies and make, share ideas, discuss possible … Read more

Monthly Meetings: Last Sundays

Help plan, propose, and select projects, exhibits, and events: this is where it happens if you want to participate! AnySquared’s Monthly Meeting is the last Sunday of each month! We will try to keep to the time of 2 hours: 1 pm – 3 pm. At the studio unless otherwise posted. We prefer that you … Read more

AnySquared’s Visioning & Celebration 2022

AnySquared Artist Community and friends were invited to a vision session and celebration at the Studio Gang Treehouse! Everyone help us think about a vision for the future to create a stronger community and more opportunities for artists. Plus also it was also a chance to meet our nonprofit board members a enjoyed the rooftop … Read more

LIP 20/20 Exhibit & Arts Festival

LIP 20/20 Exhibit & Arts Festival
Exhibition Extended Through June 30, 2020
Hairpin Arts Center | 2810 N Milwaukee | Chicago

Most festival events were postponed or canceled due to the Pandemic. We were able to have our beautiful opening on Match 7th 2020 and he last event we hosted was Grow-Op’s workshop on March 10th. We  added limited gallery hours in June 2020. We hosted online the video/performance series in February 2021. We also were able to conduct the ART-OFF later in October 2021.

Festival Schedule

  • LIP 20/20 Exhibition
    Extended Through June 30, 2020 – Gallery Hours
    • Sundays 4–7pm
    • Wednesdays 3pm–8pm
    • Fridays 3pm–8pm
    The gallery is also available by appointment this month.
  • CrimeDrought
    Workshop presented by Mashaun Ali
    Postponed: Date To Be Announced

LIP = Life in Progress  |  AnySquared’s LIP 20/20 Exhibit & ArtsFestival showcases work that expresses definitions and/or critiques of progress that provokes, challenges, or illustrates. Through all media, artists represent, examine, analyze, or dissect what is actual progress, what some consider progress, and what is not. LIP 20/20 seeks to answer and explore this concept with our work, our art, in our communities, and as human beings, both in the city and the world.

AnySquared is an all-volunteer collaborative and artists network. Propelled by a deep sense of cooperation with artists, neighbors and the wider community, our mission is to support, produce and promote collaborative projects that facilitate arts activities through inclusive participation.

#LIP2020  |  This exhibition is part of the larger year-long LIP 20/20 series organized in celebration of AnySquared’s 10th Anniversary. As we reach this milestone, AnySquared is infusing renewed energy and continuing our role as an “arts incubator” going into our next decade with our friends and collaborators. The series will also include a poster series, skills workshops, artist’s exchanges, discussions, public art projects, and additional exhibitions.
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AnySquared’s Tracy Kostenbader joined Trixter on S.H.E. Gallery’s CAN TV show — VIDEO

Check it out: S.H.E. Gallery’s CAN TV show on January 28, 2019


AnySquared Projects |
Supporting and nurturing artists and creating community for over 9 years, AnySquared is an all-volunteer collaborative and artistic network. AnySquared’s mission is to support, produce and promote collaborative projects that facilitate arts activities through inclusive participation. Our foundation is built upon the idea that we can do anything as long as we do it together.

LoganSquarist: “Artists in Residence: The Love Behind AnySquared Arts Collaborative Flows, Grows, Heals” — ARTICLE

Artists in Residence: The Love Behind AnySquared Arts Collaborative Flows, Grows, Heals > A sandwich board on the sidewalk of Milwaukee Avenue by California Avenue reads “Go Art!” Following the arrow leads through a door and up a set of stairs crowded with ladders and frames and discarded canvases. At the second floor landing, a … Read more

Artmaking Sessions Every Wednesday

AnySquared’s Studio Day
Artmaking Sessions Every Wednesday
2328 N. Milwaukee Ave

Join us weekly!
Stop in. Make Art. Meet People. Brainstorm Projects. Plot Liberation.
Be Social or Stay Focused. At Studio Day AnySquared also discusses
upcoming art projects.

After 8 years of Wednesdays, AnySquared continues to nurture artists and create community at our weekly sessions. Free.  |  AnySquared:  YouTube  | facebook  |  twitter


is an all-volunteer collaborative and artistic network. Propelled by a
deep sense of cooperation with artists, neighbors and the wider
community, our mission is to support, produce and promote collaborative
projects that facilitate arts activities through inclusive
participation. Our foundation is built upon the idea that we can do
anything as long as we do it together.