The Breakfast Show at Studio Nez! | PHOTOS

Fun at The Breakfast Show on Saturday! Thanks Studio Nez for hosting and organizing! Gratitude for the the live performances by @zenocamera, @brokenleftfoot, and @lovepunchmads! You can still see most of the 30+ artists through mid-April (803 Van Buren, Oak Park, IL) check with @studio__nez for times: @amiesell_sculpture * @andrew_the_rose_artist * @austyuniverse * @bboyb_abc * … Read more

Announcing The Breakfast Show!

The Breakfast Show! Saturday March 12th from 11AM–7PM Studio Nez, 803 Van Buren Street, Oak Park IL. Group show features art from 30+ local artists. Plus enjoy local music from 5PM–7PM. FREE EVENT! A collaboration of Studio Nez @studio__nez and AnySquared @ne2_gallerysquared! Exhibit on display through mid-April. Artists Include: @amiesell_sculpture  •  @andrew_the_rose_artist  •  @austyuniverse  •   … Read more

2021 Recap of Exciting Programming This Year!

2021 Wrap Up! Dear Friends of AnySquared, A very belated Happy New Year! February 2022 will be AnySquared’s 12th Anniversary, an excellent time to celebrate everything we have accomplished in the past year and get excited about everything coming up this year. We won the Artist-Run Chicago Grant from Hyde Park Arts Center! We received … Read more

Ornament Tournament! Fun w/ Renegades of Funk

A few photos from Saturday’s Ornament Tournament! It was a fun time at our little event (the last one for the year). Thanks to all the artists who submitted! Gratitude to Renegades of Funk Chicago for inviting AnySquared to help organize! A big thank you to the volunteers! ❤️ also thanks to Comfort Station for … Read more

ART-OFF! Artmaking Extravaganza! | PHOTOS

AnySquared’s ART OFF was an amazing artmaking extravaganza! It was exciting as we watched an exhibition created before our eyes! The event included livepainting, slaps / sticker-making, an interactive art wall and many, many artists! Thanks to everyone who made the ART-OFF an amazing event celebrating art plus community! Event Reel | Facebook Full Photo Album

AnySquared’s ART-OFF! a live art + slaps event
Saturday October 16, 6:30-10:30pm

Hairpin Arts Center, 2810 N. Milwaukee Avenue.

Thank you so much to our most excellent MC: Rahim Salaam from @whataboutchicago! Gratitude to our DJ Silent Hype Sirenna @goodshow_silenthype and Dante Milano Music @dantemilanomusic for the music!

LIVE PAINTERS | Artists have 2.5+ hours to complete their art. The audience votes on their favorites! The top artists win cool prizes. Note: We have a limited number of open AnySquared Community spots for the the live-art contest: arrive early!

facebook reminder  |  evenbrite invite

SLAPS MAKING TABLE | Open to all to participate! The sticker that gets the most votes also wins a prize.

Thank you to our sponsor: BLICK Lincoln Park!

FEATURED ARTISTS | ABSURD @ab_surd9 • A’keem Muhammad @aiselife  • Alice Roberson @teamalice42 • Alex Serrato @dasera00  • Andrew Rose Vickers @andrew_the_rose_artist • Amadeo Arroyo @river_arroyo • BboyB @bboyb_abc  • Birdmilk @bird_milk_ • Cesar Luna @thegrayfox_11 • Dial8r the Creator @dial8r • Don Mega • Eazel @el_eaz • Fire Falco (Alejandro Vilchez) @fire.falco • FLASH ABC @flash_abc • Frankie Peace @lostfrankie • Hailey Marie Losselyong @hai_ey • Jane Van Amberg violet_vivacious • Jeff Pak @jpak4ever • JOOS @1.sooj • Juan A. Cano @juan_a_cano • Katie Klimacek @itsjustkatie_chi  • Robyn Seale @cmd_krakkem • The Alley Gato @ghettoartform_1 • Mario Mena @_marmena • Megan Kind @artistickind_megankind • Monstrochika @monstrochika • Mosher @moshershow • Mr. Pintamuro @mr.pintamuro • Natalia Sustaita • Natalia Virafuentes @virafuentes_art • Neha Chawla @uglybitchfilms • Noonslaps (Nikki Diaz) @_noonslaps • Reddor Santiago @the_red_door • Squeak Starzula @squeakstarzula • Tyler Side of House  @sideofhouse • Zach Bartz @imzachbartz

+ many more artists including at the slaps tables!


Organized by AnySquared Projects

Thanks to everyone who made the ART-OFF an amazing event celebrating art plus community! Thank you to the Hyde Park Art Center for funding this community-building event through Artist Run Chicago Grant! Gratitude to Blick Lincoln Park for being our wonderful sponsor for this event. We also appreciate all who donated to this event; Catch Wreck Creatives, Cafe Mustache, and Natalia Virafuentes. We are grateful for all the prizes, discounts, and the unexpected pile of swag too!

TikTok, Twitter & Facebook: AnySquared
IG: @ne2_gallerysquared

AnySquared is an all-volunteer collaborative and artists network in Chicago. Propelled by a deep sense of cooperation with artists, and the wider community, our mission for over 11 years is to support, produce and promote collaborative projects that facilitate arts activities through inclusive participation.

A Great Day! Against Da Fence #2: Sept 2021

September 12th was a great day! This Against Da Fence at Project Logan was bittersweet as heavy machines are now chewing down the building’s bricks. We thought the building was coming down, but the perimeter walls stayed up. AnySquared & Renegades of Funk Shared Some Project Logan Love at Against Da Fence! Our outdoor, mini-art-festival … Read more

Announcing September Against Da Fence

Announcing Against Da Fence <3 SUNDAY! September 12, 1pm—6pm at Project Logan (Mural wall in the alley behind 2929 W Fullerton parking lot – near Milwaukee).facebook event reminder > Showing Some Project Logan Love! We are doing it again! AnySquared & Renegades of Funk host this 1-day, outdoor, mini-art-festival: Art on the Fence Sticker-Making Live … Read more

Taking Care of Each Other | Art in the Park 2021

ART IN THE PARK 2021 | It was a beautiful day of art plus community on Saturday July 31st at Unity Park! Thank you to everyone who came out and especially those who volunteered for to make ART in the Park/ ARTE en el Parque a wonderful time!

Painted by artists of all ages, the “Taking Care of Each Other” community banner mural was drawn by artist Helen Sanchez-Cortes. Helen is an AnySquared Member and is also the lead organizer of this year’s Art in the Park art activities. The banner honors the mutual aid, love, and care we share as a community living through the ongoing pandemic together. With the help of the community, the painting of the banner was completed in 4 hours! At the end of the day, the AnySquared crew hung the beautiful and vibrant piece on the park fence for all to enjoy at Kimball and Schubert (2636 N. Kimball).

Activities during Art in the Park:
At the  “Creative Function Junction,” Unity Park volunteer Sarah Falkiner organized and helped children create many useful items using recyclables (while taking care of the earth in the process!) Families had fun making treasure boxes and multimedia collages at the “Craft Corner,” lead by Unity Park’s Connie Baznik. For the “Painting Together” activity, the amazing Unity Park and AnySquared volunteers distributed paint the entire day for families to make art on canvases and also help paint the banner mural. AnySquared’s Katie Klimacek pitched in to paint faces and arms of children for the day!!! DJ Rica Fils made it more fun with music!

Deep love to the AnySquared Crew who made the painting events and the banner mural happen: Helen, Tracy, Brett, Amie, Maxx, Katie, Amadeo, Matt, Noon, Juan, Andrew, Adrian, and Elliot.

Much gratitude to Unity Park Advisory Council for their tireless work in hosting and funding this event every year to bring art to the community! Thank you also to all of the Unity Park volunteers who were essential in making the event happen! Thanks to Logan Square Mutual Aid for providing the take-home Art bags & Craft bags we helped assemble to give away to families!

and Facebook
IG: @ne2_gallerysquared
TikTok @anysquared

AnySquared is an all-volunteer collaborative and artists network. Propelled by a deep sense of cooperation with artists, neighbors and the wider  community, our mission is to support, produce and promote collaborative  projects that facilitate arts activities through inclusive  participation. Our foundation is built upon the idea that we can do  anything as long as we do it together.

AnySquared Spotlight Art Talk: PILOTO! | VIDEO

AnySquared Spotlight Art Talk ALFONSO PILOTO NIEVES RUIZ. AnySquared Spotlight art talks highlight artists of all ages and experiences and include both members and friends. See videos of recent spotlight art talks on our YouTube Channel. AnySquared Spotlight Art Talk ALFONSO PILOTO NIEVES RUIZ. AnySquared Spotlight art talks highlight artists of all ages and experiences … Read more