Cinema Minima Residency | Call for Filmmakers | Announcing Winning Essays

Call For Filmmakers
Time to Make Short Films
Make interpretations of essays any length under 5 min (30 sec/1 min/3 min, etc). Any aesthetic, format, or translation experimentation through film/video encouraged.

  • Deadline extended to Friday Nov 1st for submitting finished film(s). All Films can be dropped off or mailed to AnyWhere Space, 2328 N. Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60647. All films received by November 1st will be screened.

See Full Rules for Film Submissions


Announcing the Cinema Minima Winning Essays

Beverly Scott I Do But Do He
Brenton Harper-Murray
Robert Castillo
Robert and John Got Married


Thanks to all the other writers who participated in the Writers Event on October 6: Tucker Dryden, Rajiv Haque, Jim Markus, and Mackenzie Wilson. We had a great event on October 6th and the competition was close! We will be publishing their excellent submissions after October 20th.Gratitude to Tucker Dryden, Kelly Ahlfeld, Jessica Lynne Bright, Zachary Hart Baker and Chris Elam for performing, announcing, and taking us though the evening with style! A special shout out to Cole’s Bar for always supporting Cinema Minima and AnySquared!

See you in November. Time to make films!

CALL FOR ARTISTS | 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall | Art Cole’s #19

In conjunction with SQUARED! Art+Community, AnySquared presents 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall for Art@Cole’s #19 — a community exhibit where local artists give homage to the favorite libation.

Look for more Artists Calls for other locations on display during SQUARED! We are planning a small works show, an AnySquared exhibit and installations throughout the event.


Art@Cole’s #19:
99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall
A Community Exhibit!
Opening October 13 and through mid November.

Whether you angle for an Indian Pale Ale or gravitate towards a German Pilsner, or are humbled by a Belguim White, Anysquared wants to know what you think about beer?

Beer bottles and/or images of beer bottles are encouraged, but also acceptable are beer related themes and Cole’s-Bar-related representations. The only restriction is your piece needs to hang on the wall in some manner (If you intend to submit a larger piece, contact us).

Submit your intention to participate by September 18. Email, put in subject: “99 Bottles,” and include:

1) name
2)phone number
3) website
4) 1-2 jpgs of the actual work you are submitting or similar OR similar (we understand that you may not have photos for work created specifically for the exhibition)

To be considered for inclusion in press materials: send us jpg(s) of your piece(s) by September 21. Drop off artwork that is ready to hang to AnySquared at 2328 N. Milwaukee on the following dates: September 29, October 3, or October 6 (before 3pm). Please contact us to arrange for a different day. Opening Saturday, October 13 and on display through mid-November.


For information contact AnySquared at

Early Abes! Some selections from the box | Call for Artists. Make your original Lincoln!

Early Abes! Some selections from the box! This decorated Abe from the Community Pool in the “Take a Lincoln/Make and Abe” box at Cole’s.

Call for Artists. Make your original Lincoln for the Honest Abe Art Show at AnySquared’s Weekly Studio Day! We have supplies to share.
“Best in Show” prizes for both the Community Pool of decorated Abes and for the “Artists Call” participants.

Studio Day’s Are Wednesdays
Feb 7, March 7, 14 & 21 from 3-8pm 
AnyWhere Space, 2328 N. Milwaukee Ave.

AB(e)DUCTED! Honest Abe Art Show: Call For Artists
Deadline March 22

Email for information.

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Early Abes! Some selections from the box | Call for Artists. Make your original Lincoln

Early Abes! Some selections from the box! This decorated Abe from the Community Pool in the “Take a Lincoln/Make and Abe” box at Cole’s.

Call for Artists. Make your original Lincoln for the Honest Abe Art Show at AnySquared’s Weekly Studio Day! We have supplies to share.
“Best in Show” prizes for both the Community Pool of decorated Abes and for the “Artists Call” participants.

Studio Day’s Are Wednesdays
Feb 7, March 7, 14 & 21 from 3-8pm 
AnyWhere Space, 2328 N. Milwaukee Ave.

AB(e)DUCTED! Honest Abe Art Show: Call For Artists
Deadline March 22

Email for information.

facebook  |   twitter  |

Early Abes! Some Selections from the Box | Call for Artists | Make your Original Lincoln

Early Abes! Some selections from the box! This decorated Abe from the Community Pool in the “Take a Lincoln/Make and Abe” box at Cole’s.

Call for Artists. Make your original Lincoln for the Honest Abe Art Show at AnySquared’s Weekly Studio Day! We have supplies to share.
“Best in Show” prizes for both the Community Pool of decorated Abes and for the “Artists Call” participants.

Studio Day’s Are Wednesdays
Feb 7, March 7, 14 & 21 from 3-8pm 
AnyWhere Space, 2328 N. Milwaukee Ave.

AB(e)DUCTED! Honest Abe Art Show: Call For Artists
Deadline March 22

Email for information.

facebook  |   twitter  |

Art@Cole’s: Call for Artists. Make your Lincoln for the Honest Abe Art Show at AnySquared’s Weekly Studio Day! We have supplies to share.

Studio Day’s Are Wednesdays Feb 29, March 7, 14 & 21 from 3-8pm AnyWhere Space, 2328 N. Milwaukee Ave. Honest Abe Art Show: Call For Artists Deadline March 22 Email for information. facebook  |   twitter  |

Call for Artists!!! AB(e)DUCTED!

A atrocious act of art abduction has taken place at Cole’s Bar and Honest Abe has gone AWOL! Avenge this aversion to an amiable ambiance by applying to the Honest Abe Art show! Arriving 2012! Honest Abe Art Show Call for Artists facebook  |  twitter