Interstellar Outer-Body Film Screening | PHOTOS

November 1st Cinema Culture presented their Interstellar Outer-Body screening of sci-fi films. Thanks Amir George for putting together a great lineup of short films, by local filmmakers Nelson Carvajal, Jason Ogawa, and Floyd Webb as well as other excellent selections for our AnySquared Residency.


AnySquared Projects is grateful to the Hairpin Arts Center for this opportunity to program their space during our 6-week residency.
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Eréndira | Screening | Cinema Minima

Check out our film for June:

a film based on a screenplay by Gabriel García Márquez
Sunday, June 1, at 8:00pm
Cole’s Bar, 2338 N. Milwaukee, Chicago

(Dir. Ruy Guerra, 1983, 103 min.).
IMdb Profile  |  1983 NY Times Review
Curated by Ingrid Sánchez Tapia. The screening is free.

‘Eréndira’ is an international co-production Portugese director Ruy Guerra, whose script is the work of Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez, who adapted his novella ‘The Incredible and Sad Tale of Candida Eréndira and Her Heartless Grandmother’. Eréndira is a fourteen year old girl used by her greedy grandmother for a life of comfort that was lost when she was widowed. The grandmother forces the girl to perform various chores. One day Erendira has a strange vision, followed by the house catching on fire. Her grandmother blames the girl for the incident and decides to take revenge by prostituting teen. The business is very prosperous for the cruel old woman, all the while, the girl is continues to have magical visions. The intervention of Odysseus, in love with Erendira, changes the fate of the girl.

‘Eréndira’ es una coproducción internacional dirigida por el portugués Ruy Guerra, cuyo guión es obra del escritor colombiano Gabriel García Márquez, que adaptó su novela corta ‘La increíble y triste historia de la cándida Eréndira y de su abuela desalmada’. Eréndira es una niña de catorce años a cargo de una abuela codiciosa, acostumbrada a una vida de comodidades que ha perdido al enviudar. La abuela explota a la niña obligándola a realizar distintas tareas domésticas. Un día Eréndira tiene una visión extraña a la que sucede el incendio de la casa. Su abuela la culpa del siniestro y decide vengarse prostituyendo a la adolescente. El negocio resulta muy próspero para la cruel vieja, mientras las niña sigue teniendo visiones mágicas. La intervención de Ulises, enamorado de Eréndira, cambiará el destino de la joven.


Cinema Minima Chicago  | An Anysquared Project  |  subscribe

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In honor of the life and works of Harold Ramis, AnySquared’s Cinema Minima presents Caddyshack

Caddyshack (1980, 98 min.) Sunday, March 2 at 8pm Cole’s 2338 N Milwaukee In honor of the life and works of Harold Ramis, AnySquared’s Cinema Minima presents Caddyshack (his feature film directorial debut). If you’ve seen it in the theater when you were younger, or watched it on videotape a bazillion times, Caddyshack is one of … Read more

The Carrefour Collaborative + AnySquared present a special Cinema Minema: The Agronomist

The Carrefour Collaborative and AnySquared present a special Cinema Minema:

The Agronomist

(Directed by Jonathan Demme, 2003, 90 min.)
Sunday, February 2, at 8:30pm
Cole’s Bar, 2338 N. Milwaukee, Chicago

Featuring a short presentation regarding Carrefour Collaborative’s work
by founder Paul Karner followed by the screening. Trailer & Details.

The event is free
A portion of the bar sales will go to support the efforts of the Carrefour Collaborative.


Cinema Minima Chicago  | An Anysquared Project  |  subscribe

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The Agronomist | Cinema Minima

The Carrefour Collaborative and AnySquared present a special Cinema Minema: Sunday, February 2, at 8:30pmFeaturing a short presentation regarding Carrefour Collaborative’s work, by founder Paul Karner followed by screening ofThe Agronomist Cole’s Bar, 2338 N. Milwaukee, Chicago The event is free(a portion of the bar sales will go to support the efforts of the Carrefour … Read more

BIG TROUBLE in Little Logan | Curated by Cinema Culture for Cinema Minima

BIG TROUBLE in Little Logan
Sunday January 5, at 8pm

Cole’s Bar, 2338 N. Milwaukee | Chicago

Curated by Cinema Culture this month’s Cinema Minima Chicago, the “BIG TROUBLE in Little Logan” program features the short films of local production crews Big Dogs and Input/Output Productions.
Look for updates: more details to come!

Screening: A joint episode of web series
Kiss Like Big Dogs
Kelly Youngman, is going through life with no steady job, no place to live, and still manages to have one girlfriend after another. He’s a young guy who lives life like he’s the lead in a cheesy romantic comedy, a wannabe silver screen lothario.

Short Films:

Dante & Jean
a little homage to french new wave.

Queen Sheba
A lady who dates many, and kills some

The Man Who Won’t Leave you Alone
A young and recently licensed process server learns the difficulty of delivering the summons of a lawsuit to its unpredictable defendants. He charges himself with the ultimatum: Prove to his jovial, unsympathetic colleagues how it should to be done or admit he’s not the man for the job.

Synopsis to come


The Cinema Culture  |  As cinema advocates, The Cinema Culture promotes and exhibits the work of film and video artists at various events, festivals, and exclusive screenings. Founder Amir George recently featured in Reader Article

Cinema Minima Chicago  | An Anysquared Project  |  subscribe



A Celebration of the Best, the Worst,
and the Blorst of Star Trek TNG

Sunday, December 1
at 6pm
Cole’s, 2338 N. Milwaukee

In honor of the upcoming holiday season, Cinema Minima presents Deck the Holodeck: A Celebration of the Best, the Worst and the Blorst of Star Trek TNG. The crew of the starship enterprise has encountered many exotic planets but few have come close to the range of excitement that is contained within the holodeck. Join us on December 1 and make sure to set phasers on fun!

The Big Goodbye
Elementary, Dear Data
Hollow Pursuits


Cinema Minima is an Anysquared Project  |  subscribe