AnySquared Spotlight Art Talk: PILOTO! | VIDEO

AnySquared Spotlight Art Talk ALFONSO PILOTO NIEVES RUIZ. AnySquared Spotlight art talks highlight artists of all ages and experiences and include both members and friends. See videos of recent spotlight art talks on our YouTube Channel.

AnySquared Spotlight Art Talk ALFONSO PILOTO NIEVES RUIZ. AnySquared Spotlight art talks highlight artists of all ages and experiences and include both members and friends. See videos of recent spotlight art talks on our YouTube Channel.

BE PART OF THE DISCUSSION Wednesday, July 28th at 7:30pm:
Facebook Event Reminder>


IG: @artistpiloto

As a self-taught artist, I am not constrained by institutional rules or limitations. For me, art is the materialization of ideas and feelings that take shape according to how each individual perceives the world. My work deals with different issues that humanity faces and challenges the viewer to see our human condition through a raw lens. My principal material is clay, a symbol of the earth, which is the source of everything – including us. I mix clay with garbage that I find and in this way I try to show the mental garbage and spiritual disconnect that we are exposed to every day. My art could be labeled dark, surreal, and decadent, but out of the decadent emerges the reconstruction and regeneration. Out of the surreal, the reality in which we live. And out of the darkness emerges the light, which is what we are.

I came to Chicago in 1997, but started making art in 2001. By 2004, I started giving workshops and working with the community addressing social issues. In 2006, I became a full time artist and started working with different organizations around the city. As an independent artist I visit schools, community and art centers, parks, etc. Besides creating my personal work, I also create public work with the community and by myself.

Piloto has exhibited at the National Museum of Mexican Art, The Field Museum’s lawn, Navy Pier, 33 Contemporary Gallery, Garfield Park Conservatory, CU Museum of Natural History and the Boulder Public Library and more.

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AnySquared is an all-volunteer collaborative and artists network. Propelled by a deep sense of cooperation with artists, neighbors and the wider  community, our mission is to support, produce and promote collaborative  projects that facilitate arts activities through inclusive  participation. Our foundation is built upon the idea that we can do  anything as long as we do it together.