Art in Stitches with Monstrochika! | April 14

AnySquared’s New Skillshare Series! Our first workshop instructor is the amazing artist Naomi Martinez / @monstrochika who will take you on a journey with Art in Stitches! We are excited to learn embroidery and sewing techniques to embellish our art!

On Friday April 14th 6pm–8pm join Naomi at AnySquared Studio 2328 N Milwaukee. Workshop is Free. Materials Provided.

In this workshop Artist Naomi Martinez will share various ways you can start an embroidered piece of art. From starting an embroidery piece from your own artwork to exploring adding fabric and other embellishments. You can bring a drawing of your original artwork to stitch onto or we will have some samples ready for you to work on. If you would like to bring a drawing, it should be a simple line drawing no bigger than 6×6 inches. There will be lots of ways you can explore stitching including on existing canvas art work. So join us for this chill slow craft workshop! Hand embroidery is a meditative art form that can help mend our thoughts and calm us down. Stitching within a circle of our peers can make us feel alive, strong and connected.


Supporting and nurturing artists and creating community for over 13 years, AnySquared is an nonprofit collaborative and artists network. AnySquared’s mission is to support, produce and promote collaborative projects that facilitate arts activities through inclusive participation.


IG: @ne2_gallersquared
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