Barton Fink | Cinema Minima | Pre-Movie Trivia w/Tucker

Sunday, March 4 is the screening of “Barton Fink”
Pre-Movie Trivia w/Tucker (prizes!) at 8pm

Movie at 8:30pm
Coles Bar, 2338 N. Milwaukee.


Cinema Minima is an AnySquared Project
While at Cole’s check out the current Art@Cole’s Exhibit: BodyShop

AnySquared Projects’ monthly film series, Cinema Minima presents “Barton Fink” with Pre-Movie Trivia with Tucker (join the fun, and play Chicago’s only live pre-movie wacky game show and win prizes!).

Barton Fink (1991, 116 min., Joel & Ethan Coen): Playwright Barton Fink is recruited to Hollywood to write a script for a wrestling picture. With writers block in a melting hotel room, Barton has no idea what he has gotten into.