Call for Proposals & Participation: ART+Community Days during AnySquared’s Residency at Hairpin

AnySquared Projects is seeking proposals and participation for ART + Community Days as part of our six-week residency at the Hairpin Arts Center.

Artists, community members, and arts groups are invited to propose a workshop, presentation, art talk, meeting, demonstration, paint/draw session, class, or other event that encourages our community to engage in art, discuss arts issues, or showcases “art+community.”

Several ART+community Days will be scheduled during our gallery hours in October and early November, mostly Sunday afternoons, but other times may be available. Proposed sessions should be planned for at least 1 hour, but can be up to 4 hours long.

Send proposals and inquiries to


AnySquared is an all-volunteer collaborative artistic network, propelled by a deep sense of cooperation with artists, neighbors and the wider community. Our mission is to support, produce and promote collaborative projects that facilitate arts activities through inclusive participation. Our foundation is built upon the idea that we can do anything as long as we do ourselves and do it together.

AnySquared will reside from September 21 through November 15 at the Hairpin Arts Center. Our collaborative and artists network will activate the space for six weeks through exhibits, workshops, talks, artmaking studio days, screenings, and more special events. Look for details about on our website soon.

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