8 O’Clock Shop: Crash Course: Photoshop Basics

Wednesday, September 13, 2017 from 8pm – 9:30pm is AnySquared’s 8 O’Clock Shop: Crash Course: Photoshop Basics at AnySquared, 2328 N. Milwaukee.
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Jarrett Brown will take you through the process of how he uses the software to produce artwork for professional means. He will go over the hardware, file management, and finally a short demo of how to bring it all together, all the while giving you tips and tricks you can use in your own projects.

AnySquared.com  |  AnySquared hosts occasional free mini-art-workshops during our Wednesday Studio Day. Each ‘shop is a useful demonstration of materials and techniques or a talk.

Propose an 8 O’Clock Workshop: email projects@anysquared.com
(For those who want to host a class or full workshop in the future, the mini-shops will be a good teaser.)