8-Oclock Shop: Basic Illustrator with Big Homie Martin

AnySquared’s 8 O’Clock Shop presents Basic Adobe Illustrator with BIG HOMIE MARTIN on Wednesday, November 14. The workshop begins at 8pm and takes place during studio day at Anysquared Studio, 2328 N. Milwaukee Ave | Chicago

Martin Calderon will take you through the process of how he uses Illustrator software to produce artwork. If you have illustrator on your computer, bring your laptop and a mouse! You will need the mouse. If you don’t have the program on your computer, bring a notebook and take notes!


AnySquared.com | we host occasional free mini-art-workshops during our Wednesday Studio Day. Each ‘shop is a useful demonstration of materials and techniques or a talk.  |  Propose an 8 O’Clock Workshop:
email projects@anysquared.com