AnySquared Spotlight: Helen Sanchez Cortes! | VIDEO

AnySquared Spotlight Art Talk Featuring Helen Sanchez Cortes. AnySquared Spotlight — Art Talks highlight artists of all ages and experiences and include both members and friends. This first spotlight features artist Helen Sanchez Cortes during our AnySquared Community Session on December 2. Watch it on Youtube >

Be Part of the Discussion Wednesday, December 2 at 7:30pm:
Facebook Event >


About Helen Sanchez Cortes

Helen Sanchez Cortes walked into AnySquared’s yearly gathering in early 2016 and soon became a core member. (facebook photo album) Still in high school at the time, she was crucial in helping organize the Logan Square Dog Park Mural and also was an artist on the wall. Helen has worked on many subsequent AnySquared community projects.

A Project Highlight: Helen conceived of the TwentyUnderTwenty program which offered opportunities for young people aged 20 and under to be self-motivated, make art with guidance, and exhibit in a professional space. She created the mentorship part of the program and recruited the more experienced AnySquared artists as mentors. She also was the “under 20” curator for the TwentyUnderTwenty exhibition we produced at the Hairpin Arts Center. (facebook photo album)

Helen is currently a teacher for After School Matters and also a student at SAIC (School of the Art Institute of Chicago).



Statement  |  IG: @helensanzcor

“I was born, raised, and currently am making a rumpus in Little Village, Chicago. I am a visual artist and make work that tracks my immortality in this world. My work originates from visions and my process is then performed, it is layered, and haptic. For me, creation involves iteration, commonly via writing, crafts, and research. I identify strongly with the intuitive practice of surreal painting. My pursuit is to deploy sensitive imagery under an everlasting itch to comprehend my psyche.

My artistic practice is pedagogical and interdisciplinary. I believe in socially engaged art as a tool for progress. Youth hindered by socio-economics are my priority because Chicago’s isolated and segregated infrastructure creates resource disparities. I feel a sense of urgency and responsibility to connect first-generation and low-income youth with the massive opportunities offered in their very own city.”

Helen Sanchez Cortes

Twitter and Facebook
IG: @ne2_gallerysquared

AnySquared is an all-volunteer collaborative and artists network. Propelled by a deep sense of cooperation with artists, neighbors and the wider community, our mission is to support, produce and promote collaborative projects that facilitate arts activities through inclusive participation. Our foundation is built upon the idea that we can do anything as long as we do it together.