A Great Day! Against Da Fence #2: Sept 2021

September 12th was a great day! This Against Da Fence at Project Logan was bittersweet as heavy machines are now chewing down the building’s bricks. We thought the building was coming down, but the perimeter walls stayed up.

AnySquared & Renegades of Funk Shared Some Project Logan Love at Against Da Fence! Our outdoor, mini-art-festival was a celebration of the communities around Project Logan and included: art on the fence, sticker-making, painting on the wall, and art vending. We were also excited to open up the community mural wall for painting this time!

Gratitude to the artists who shared work and painted on the walls. We are also thankful to each an every person who helped set up and take down! It take a team to pull this 1-day event together. Thanks DJ MOS DEF & the Intel Music Group for keeping everyone going, And, finally, a beautiful shout-out to the Renegades of Funk for bringing out the community to make their last marks on the walls!

List of artists with links here >
Full event photo album >



Renegades of Funk