AnySquared Spotlight: UglyBitchFilms | VIDEO

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AnySquared Spotlight Art Talk Featuring UglyBitchFilms. AnySquared Spotlight art talks highlight artists of all ages and experiences and include both members and friends. See videos of spotlight art talks on our YouTube Channel.

BE PART OF THE DISCUSSION Wednesday, February 9th at 7:30pm:
Facebook Event Reminder>


ABOUT UGLYBITCHFILMS  |  IG: @uglybitchfilms

I am a recent graduate at DePaul University. I earned my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. Although I did not minor in film or photography, I am well-versed in those types of mediums. I often go for the dissociative, nostalgic feeling when creating my artwork. That includes using film cameras, editing photos to look like film, and so on. I’ll use cameras from a couple decades ago to create those emotions. In my photos and short films, it feels like you are living in a dream, an alternate reality.

TikTik, Twitter, and Facebook
IG: @ne2_gallerysquared

AnySquared is an all-volunteer collaborative and artists network. Propelled by a deep sense of cooperation with artists, neighbors and the wider community, our mission is to support, produce and promote collaborative  projects that facilitate arts activities through inclusive  participation. Our foundation is built upon the idea that we can do  anything as long as we do it together.